Archive 2016

Archive 2016

Changes as of 2-nov-2016 


Introduce new "Perspectives" feature, which allows the user to toggle the different analysis layers on/off
New satellite heat exchanger model (currently in beta) to more closely capture domestic hot water heat exchanger behaviour
Added optional supply temperature connector on dynamic boiler model
Show BC lock icon on BCs that have part criteria


Issue where new satellite heat exchanger model sometimes doesn't balance
Issue where some parameters on DPCV/PICV/Autoflow were sometimes not lockable
Issue where KV-calculator popup didn't open after clearing the fields of input and accepting
Issue where pinning a KVS value still yielded "No suitable KVS value found" error
Issue where simulating Tichelmann systems where supply and return don't converge in the same point
Issue where two BCs placed on top of each other didn't have the expected click behavior
Issue where opening the graph window sometimes cause the active canvas to switch
Issue where simulation using canvas links sometimes crashes
Issue where CHD cannot run in HTTPS mode due to manufacturer resources not being served over HTTPS
Issue where failing service calls are not reported to the user
Issue where navigating to next error in a new model after having had a model in error open, displays the old model
Issue where plot colors aren't very contrasting by default. Perhaps use colors from the different quadrants of the color wheel with some repitition
Issue where mouse wheel scrolling is way too sensitive. Included extra safeties to prevent the software from crashing, and included keyboard based zooming hotkeys as a backup
Issue where selecting tags by typing the tagname doesn't work
Issue where override script/link approach always spammed console with errors
Issue where setpoint generator clipped the start and end time to exact hours
Issue where changing the boiler capacitance led to a model that could no longer be saved.
Issue where radiator part selection is forgotten when requesting a component list after performing component selection
Issue with satellite heat exchanger with valves / without valves naming
Issue where checking the series of a filtered selection checked all the parts in the series, in stead of not only the filtered ones
Issue where simulation failed when using DPCV/PICV or proportional head operation mode for pumps
Issue where radiators that are still heating up (supply < return) did emit heat.

Changes as of 19-sep-2016 


Added reverse return systems for cooling
Added two-way control valves with continuous KVS value range (throttle circuit and passive mixing circuit)
Improvements to the load and save dialog. Files and folders can now be moved by dragging them and dropping them on a folder, or on a path item


Issue where actual authority of modulating two-way valves had small deviations from the correct result
Issue where pipe length on pipe label wasn't unit-converted

Changes as of 16-sep-2016


Primary design pressure for DPCV is now lockable, and some validations on the locked pressure were added to ensure sufficient primary pressure when the value is locked
Select pipe diameters: Uniform sizing of collector
Select pipe diameters: Uniform sizing of return and supply pipes when flow rate is the same


Issue where custom edit parameters with multiple values weren't shown in red
Issue where the dynamic labels on hydraulic separators always had flowrates of zero
Issue when rotating a group of base circuits: Flipped base circuits were incorrectly rotated, and pipes are sometimes incorrectly visualized
Issue where partial load analysis crashed because radiator valve KV-curves sometimes start at (0,0), allowing for 0 as a KV-value
Issue where custom pipe type overrides did not validate uniqueness of pipe type and pipe diameter ids

Changes as of 2-sep-2016 

Key features

Visualise loop(s) with highest pressure drop when hovering over pump
Dialog for computing the capacitance of the boiler water volume based on more physically relevant parameters
Added license renewal to administration console
Visual indicator on base circuits with locked parameter(s)


License request mails are now cc-ed to support@hysopt.com. License activation email now directs customer to password reset
Rotate default orientation of Dirt separator / Deaerator BCs as they are always mounted on a horizontal pipe
Added component grouping to Satellite Unit parameters
Added a maximal kv-value parameter to the radiator lockshield model
Make boiler efficiency table customizable
Add part selection for radiators


Issue where simulation fails without errormessage
Issue with error messages on 3-way modulating valves
Issue where two- and threeway valves didn't select any KVS values when no parts were assigned...
Issue where Simulation crashed with "Expected a control base circuit here"
Issue where administrative users with dots in their username could not be added... Java mail validation on the name is pretty strict, and is not happy with "a.b.c <a@b.c>" sender addresses...
Issue where temperature warning in Floorheating loop parameterization dialog didn't work
Issue where the dP sensor didn't work in the Sensor BC (only in the experimental compiled simulator)
Issue where drag-selected selections could not be moved
Issue where all BCs can be assigned/unassigned to zones with drag select
Issue where pressing the "override settings" button on a new and unsaved model made the UI ignore user-interaction
Issue where bypass balance valve for three-way mixing valves gets selected, even if the pressure drop over the valve is negligable. Now, no valve is selected when the (required) pressure drop over the bypass valve is less than 3kPa
Issue where kv calculator was flooding error logs
Issue where default values on thermal storage tanks were illogical
Issue where partial power propagation results were not shown on the installation. Now, partial power propagation results are shown to help the user identify which parts of the system are in error, and why.
Issue where it was impossible to change the design regime for floor heating loops
Issue where default KVS-value for on-off valves was too small. Default KVS-value is now 100
Issue where default proportional band on boiler model was too small for practical applications. Decoupled proportional band from the PI-controller model (where the default is still 2)
Issue where the PI-controller's repeat time unit was missing
Improved radiator and pipe to zone assignment and de-assignment for simulation
Issue where PDF export clips piping and labels off of the edge of the paper
Issue where Mixing Circuit with Premix failed optimization when there is a primary pump and a collector bypass
Issue where sensor pressure drop has opposite sign of pressure drop control-output
Issue where Manifolds didn't balance correctly
Issue where pressures displayed on pipes included balance valve pressure. Now both balanced and unbalanced pressures are shown
Issue where it is unclear whether or not a user is active
Issue where default parameters for the satellite heat exchanger caused design flow computation to fail

Changes as of 8-aug-2016


Added dirt/air separator BCs
Added Thermal Regulating Units, Separator-Collector and Manifold manufacturer specific circuits
Added pump curve preset parameter to pumps
Added floor heating loop BC
Added dynamic label tool which allows to visualize important parameters and computation results for BCs in the canvas directly
Added support for manufacturer specific circuits in Component List report
Replaced the old end-units with throttle circuit (and zone model) with in favor of using the new radiator with valves BC


Issue where the performance of the frontend was severely impacted when interacting with the server (load/save, computations, ...)
Issue where PLA didn't work properly for TRVs
Issue where power propagation didn't take into account the actual pressure drop over dirt/air separators after part selection
Issue where flow rate operating range wasn't checked during part selection
Issue where variable pumps didn't switch off when lift value is zero
Issue where ask a question mails didn't reach the support mailbox 

Changes as of 13-jul-2016


New and faster algorithm for power and regime propagation
Balance valve added to on/off control valve base circuit
Pipe types, diameters and resistances are now configurable by uploading a custom XML file
Simulation model for radiator valves
Better text labels on thermal storage model parameters
Thermal storage models now provide a hydraulic resistance parameter on the coils


Issue where actual authority for three way valves with locked KVS value gets computed incorrectly
Issue where authority values near the minimal authority got flagged as below the minimal authority
Issue where active mixing with temperature override incorrectly reported a primary pump when primary pressure was near-zero
Issue where it was impossible to enter a decimal point in *optional* number fields
Issue where double input fields didn't show inconsistent values in red when multiple BC's are selected
Issue where visualization of simulation start dialog dropdown controls is differently styled from the rest of the application
Issue where the license activation url's contain unknown.hysopt.com instead of the correct tenant url
Issue where the root folder was not created correctly when requesting a new license
Issue where radiator valves with actuator type "modulating" did not work with component selection
Issue where mixing circuit with primary dividing wrongly computed primary flow rates
Issue where thermal losses could not be edited, and thermal losses value not shown in the parameter list
Issue where thermal storage errors on invalid cell numbers don't highlight the base circuit causing the error

Changes as of 27-jun-2016 


Rework license activation process
Disallow login from users under wrong tenant
Applied units to all input fields across the UI
Part selection toggle button restyle
FIlters to improve the commercial part selection
KV calculator improvements


Issue where radiator valves caused errors for excessive pump pressure. Changed to warning.
Issue with serial consumer
Issue where constraint violation in management console doens't provide readable errors
Issue where Satellite Heat Exchanger with Valves and Satellite Unit BC incorrectly handle the balance valve KV value.
Increase of maximal temperature of boiler model
Issue with Hydraulic Separator where models cannot be optimized anymore after recovering from input error on temperature overrides
Issue where removing the current pressure profile and adding a new pressure profile in the start pipe selection dialog doesn't behave correctly. The new profile is not added, and the default profile is used instead. Adding the profile when no existing profile is present works as expected.
Issue where heatflow of controlled boiler model is not included in energy report.
Visualization issue for balance valves.
Visualization issue for part selection view when nothing is selected.
Issue with importing tabular COP and Power tables for heat pumps.
Issue where graphs auto-close when running a new simulation.
Issue with inserting a radiator on a floor plan canvas

Changes as of 24-mei-2016 


Introduce passive mixing circuit with PICV
Extra return temperature override parameter on open header base circuits


Issue where locking of pipe diameter values was not possible any more

Changes as of 13-mei-2016 


Issue where License and Tenant features aren't considered in the BC library
Issue where PLA hangs the browser on larger models
Issue where satellite unit on-off valve KVS was dependent on KVS value of the modulating valve, sometimes causing weird behaviour
Issue where collector bypass (or other short-circuited configurations) didn't compute pump gains correctly
Issue where parameter default values where not consistent across base circuits, resulting in various strange behavior (balance valve lock disappears, changing default values, ...)
Issue where pipe selection and component selection fail when using reverse return / tichelmann systems
Issue where buffers with coils don't simulate
Issue where manufacturer and series criteria buttons don't work
Issue where Fluid specification on expansion vessel used incorrect terminology (refrigerant) instead of the more commonly used term "Brine"
Issue where expansion vessel fluid parameters were displayed on the component itself, and not at base circuit level

Changes as of 9-mei-2016 


Implementation of different glycol mixtures for component and pipe selection
New and restructured Base Circuit library
Show a more self explaining warning when operating range limits are exceeded. Specify the limit exceeded (maximum/minimum Kv, Maximum/minimum flow etc
Measurement units in reports
Thermostatic radiator valves for component selection, in interaction with pump selection and radiator valve authority
Allow to disable users in management console
Multiselection of the series for part selection
Show more clear part metadata in the part box
Accordion view on the part selection, initially expanded on the preselected series
Added actuator component for 3-way On-Off valves in several Basic Circuits
Improvements on part selection when the user selects one single part


Issue where "Sine" base circuit was temporarily unavailable
Issue where domestic simultaneous flow rates were incorrectly computed
Issue where models and subcanvasses with large name wrap action buttons to next line
Issue with z-ordering of labels on canvas
Issue where energy consumption of pumps in the 'switchable pump' base circuit were not included in the energy
Issue where KVS-value of control valve was not lockable any more
Issue where copying the password reset mail to browser doesn't work
Issue where deleting companies resulted in dangling users, preventing new users with the same email to be created
Issue where hierarchical balancing is sometimes non-deterministic
Issue where buffer model was incorrectly converted after fluid refactor
Issue where AutoFlow valves were not selected correctly. Minimal cartridge pressure and valve body kv-value are now correctly taken into account. Furthermore, excessive cartridge pressure (or lack of cartridge pressure) is reported
Issue where PICV optimalization sometimes returned NaN values
Issue where Preset is not calculated correctly for radiator valves with presetting
Issue where the copy-paste operation didn't copy the manufacturer, series, and part constraints.
Issue where part selection didn't warn the user if a selected part sizing differs greatly from pipe sizing
Issue where pump curves where interpreted as massFlow -> head instead of volumeFlow -> head for actual flow rates
Issue with rounding error for three-way valve authority
Issue where editing a cooling regime with negative supply or return temperatures displays the "Edit regime" dialog with default values for heating filled out.
Issue with rounding error in operation range checks for part selection
Issue where variable pressure pumps didn't work when simulating
Pipe sizing - Improve selection criteria based on target values and optional limit values
Issue where PLA shows mass flowrate instead of volume flowrate
Issue where thermal storage doesn't check on infeasible primary temperatures
Issue where sensor model has problems for simulation
Issue where the activation signal for pumps didn't work when simulating
Add actuator component in PICV and Zone valves BCs
Issue where optimisation doesn't find a pump due to negative volume flow in cooling systems
Issue where the PLA MoodyChart implementation uses volume flow and not mass flow

Changes as of 14-apr-2016 


Reset password functionality in log-in screen
KV-calculator tool to facilitate KV parametrisation
User Management tool has been restyled 


Issue where the activation signal on supply and boiler feed pumps didn't work

Changes as of 16-mrt-2016 


Support for French and German languages
Base circuit components renamed and reordered. Not descriptive names like "Balancer - Beta" are replaced by more sensibly named alternatives. Furthermore, component order in a base circuit is made more consistent between BC's, and more important components are shown at the top.
Possibility for the user to input a pressure drop for a specific flow rate as an alternative entering the KV value directly.
Possibility to cancel a started simulation.
Provide support for different units of measurement. By clicking the measurement (e.g. 'm', 'Pa', ...) behind an input field, the user can change the unit of measurement the application uses by default.
A cooling tower model has been added to the Production library for cooling
Show actual flow rates on connections in installation report


Issue where power propagation takes a long time
Issue where larger page size exports don't correctly pad the content from the page border.
Issue where the replace components operation was difficult to navigate and had different structure from the base circuit library. Now, the user gets the same library visualization in the replace components dialog.
Issue where BC's with long names don't fit in the accordion header in parameter view
Issue where variable pumps don't optimize
Issue where mixing circuit with premix doesn't balance correctly
Issue where the canvas selection dropdown is difficult to use when a lot of canvasses are present
Issue where parallel consumer base circuit displays strange error message when neither branch has a pump, and no primary pump is installed
Issue where replace BC dialog doesn't accept Enter as confirmation
Issue where the installation report shows incorrect flow rates for pumps when a regime change happens on a mixing circuit.
Issue where warning on base circuits should be shown in yellow, in order to more easily distinguish between warnings and info messages.

Changes as of 11-mrt-2016 


Failed simulations now display 'partial' plots, to make it easier to identify the root cause of simulation errors
Drag flow hybrid production base circuits on the return pipe.
Enhanced the system check to cover a much broader range of hydraulic errors. In phase one, the system check detects reversed or otherwise incorrectly coupled base circuits. In phase two, the system check validates the hydraulic configuration for common design errors.
Simulation errors caused by the hydraulic solver not finding a solution now highlight the base-circuits in the hydraulic subsystem causing the error.
Allow to filter the installation report based on wether or not a BC or connection are labeled.
Locked pumps in series are taken into account more correctly.
Block rotate of selection.
Allow multiple drag selects combined with Ctrl (Cmd on mac).
More advanced handling of short-circuited collector. Base circuits Short-circuited collector, Open header without pumps and Buffers can now be used to short-circuit, and will be treated as such.
Allow users to ask support questions in hysopt.
Removed PumpCurve BC.
Export to A0/A1 size PDFs

Bugfixes and improvements

Issues with and extensions to automated testing framework.
Issue where PICV model doesn't have the correct plots.
Issue where pressure independent control valve doesn't close when simulating. Now lift value is taken into account for PICV simulation.
Issue where active mixing circuit gets strange error messages in system check and component selection. Error message "this balance valve should be a pump" is confusing, and error message "pumps found upstream of this pump" is missing.
Issue where short-circuit handling in component selection couldn't cope with parallel short-circuits with zero pipe length.
Issue where export to PDF maximal size was too small.
Issue with pumps in series after hydraulic separator.
Issue where buffers for cooling had heating regime and red colored arrows.
When asking a question, a user should also get his question mail in cc.
Issue where a locked pump curve is ignored when selecting the pump head.
Issue where users could short-circuit the mixing circuit with premix by putting the premix KV value on a very large value.
Issue where users could close a pipe by providing a really sma.ll KV value for balance valves or other resistances.
Issue where copy-pasting labels across canvasses doesn't work.
Issue where open header with primary and secondary pump doesn't optimize any more.
Issue where the regime change parameter for the Mixing circuit with premix was optional.
Issue where users could save models under shared folders.
Issue where optimisation doesn't reach hydraulic balance when using RadiatorWithValves.
Issue where labels cannot be selected via Alt and Alt+Shift modifiers.
Issue in floor plan drawing where pipe lengths are not automatically determined when drawing new pipes.
Issue where pipes drawn on floor plans have strange pipe spacing.
Issue where pipe length isn't always recalculated on floorplan as you move nodes around.

Changes as of 2-feb-2016 


Added Fixed Hydraulic Resistance BC
Added more clear error messages when simulation fails because of incorrectly connected control circuits
Added extra KVS-values 0.1, 1, 10, 100 to the range of KVS values for 2-way and 3-way control valves

Bugfixes and improvements

Issue where you can request reports for computations that have not been completed yet.
Issue where thermal/electrical power and thermal/electrical energy were wrongly named in the software.
Issue where simulations with start date in the previous year failed to start.
Issue where "Sensor" base circuit didn't indicate the direction of heat / fluid flow.
Issue where pipes become invisible when nodes are collapsed onto the same point
Issue where actual authority is not shown on three-way valves with too small or negative primary pressure loss.
Issue where error messages for system check weren't translated.
Issue where the 'pump head' plot was removed from the variable pump. 'Pump head' plot is now available for all pumps.
Issue where time axis of graphs is in hours relative to start of year. Now, time is shown as x days + y hours.
Issue where simulation start date changes after consecutive simulations
Issue where component report and installation report complain about missing pumpHead (on prefixed components)
Issue where simulation failed on some types of models
Issue where optimisation doesn't work for Radiator Valves
Issue where new simulator can't handle very large models
Issue where the energy report showed 0 values for fuel consumption on production and pumps
Issue where optimisation and old simulation did not consider Bypass kvValue for 3-way On/Off CVs
Issue where new simulation doesn't take into account Bypass Kvs Value for 3-way On/Off CVs
Issue where the optimisation doesn't take into account Bypass Kv Value for 3-way On/Off CVs
Issue where optimization failed for 3-way modulating valves
Issue where 3-way Mixing and Dividing nodes don't use resistance on the bypass for new simulation
Issue where Lift vs Volume flow plot uses secondary volume flow instead of primary volume flow in Active Mixing
Issue where On/Off valves didn't simulate
Issue where BV over bypass is not correctly selected for ActiveMixing and MixingCircuitWithPremix
Issue where optimization didn't work for switched production
Issue where PICV did not take minimal pressure drop of parts matching criteria into account
Issue where optimisation didn't select KVS values for Switchable Boiler feed
Issue where optimisation didn't select KVS values for SwitchableSerialProductionOnTheSupply/ReturnPipe and SwitchedProduction
Issue where optimisation didn't select KVS values for MixingCircuitWithPrimaryBypass and MixingInjectionWithPrimaryDividing
Issue where navigating to an error via the 'e'-key didn't set an appropriate zoom level
Changed the default pipe length to 0m instead of 1m and pipe type is no longer lockable

Changes as of 6-jan-2016 


Add warning when dynamic boiler / heat pump switches to safety-mode
Add plot for control valves flow rate vs lift
Add ability to create canvas links in cooling layer
Add integrator control block

Bugfixes and improvements

Issue where heat pump heating -> cooling doesn't have expected behavior when simulating
Issue where lift curve of thermostatic actuators couldn't be edited
Issue where user should exit drawing mode when connecting 2-pipe to an existing pipe
Issue where target flow rate wasn't respected for the flow regulator component
Issue where simulation start date changes after consecutive simulations
Issue where Ctrl+click on canvas link doesn't update the active canvas dropdown
Issue where UA-value of a heat exchanger could not be calculated
Issue where pipe diameters could not be manually modified during pipe selection 

Changes as of 16-dec-2015 


Sharing models and folders between accounts
Grouped circuits: Support for SEPCOLL and Thermal Regulating units
Component list report extended with preset as determined by the part selection
Three way mixing valves changes: Verschillende characteristiek voor bypass en through. Ontwerp naar mengpositie en regime verandering
Different pump characteristics: Constant head, constant speed, proportional head

Bugfixes and improvements

Fixed issue where using serial production didn't balance correctly
Fixed issue where combined BCs from the end-unit and heat exchanger library didn't simulate
Fixed issue where the Piecewise linear function control block didn't support decimal values
Fixed issue where the plots wouldn't open on buffers
Fixed issue where boiler fuel consumption was calculated incorrectly

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