Operations (Shortcuts)
The Hysopt Optimiser has multiple operations and shortcuts to make its usage easier. This page contains a list of all the shortcuts that can be used in the Hysopt Optimiser and what these shortcuts do.
The abbreviation BC is used throughout this page. This stands for base circuit which are the building blocks of the Hysopt optimser. For more information, look at the page How to model your system.
Modelling operations
Name | Shortcut | Explanation |
Undo | Ctrl + Z | You can undo an action with this operation. If you deleted a wrong BC for example, you can undo the deleting by using this operation. |
Redo | Ctrl + Y | You can redo an action you have undone with this operation. |
Copy | Ctrl + C | You can copy selected BCs, text labels and/or complete circuits with this operation. |
Paste | Ctrl + V | You can paste the BCs, text labels and/or complete circuits that you previously copied with this operation. Be aware that you can only copy and paste within the same model. |
Replace components | Ctrl + H | You can replace a selected BC by another one with this operation. The pipe & control connections will stay connected if the replacing BC is similar to the replaced one, otherwise they will be broken. |
Copy BC with default values | Shift + Click | You can draw previously drawn BCs again with this operation without having to search it again in the library. |
Rotate/flip operations
Name | Shortcut | Explanation |
Rotate clockwise | R | You can rotate the selected BC or circuit clockwise with this operation. |
Rotate counterclockwise | Shift + R | You can rotate the selected BC or circuit counterclockwise with this operation. |
Flip left/right | F | You can flip the selected BC or circuit left/right with this operation. |
Flip up/down | Shift + F | You can flip the selected BC or circuit up/down with this operation. |
Free rotate | Shift + Mouse move | You can freely rotate the selected BC or circuit with this operation. |
Flip reverse return chain | G | You can use this operation when you have a reverse return pipe selected to flip the supply and return. |
Select operations
Name | Shortcut | Explanation |
Select all | Alt + Click | You can select all the same BCs of the selected kind within the same canvas by using this operation so you can move, replace or delete them all at once. Look at the page Canvas management, Floor plan manager and Layers for more information about canvasses. |
Select all (all canvasses) | Shift + Alt + Click | You can select all the same BCs of the selected kind over all canvasses by using this operation so you can move, replace or delete them all at once. |
Zooming operations
Name | Shortcut | Explanation |
Zoom to fit | Ctrl + F | Zooms your window to fit all your circuits in your window. |
Zoom in | + | Zooms in on your model. |
Zoom out | - | Zooms out on your model. |
Zoom in pipe labels | Ctrl + '+' | Makes the pipe labels bigger. |
Zoom out pipe labels | Ctrl + '-' | Makes the pipe labels smaller. |
Zoom in base circuits (on floorplans) | Alt + '+' | Makes your BCs bigger on the floorplan. |
Zoom out base circuits (on floorplans) | Alt + '-' | Makes your BCs smaller on the floorplan. |
Zoom in pipes | Shift + '+' | Makes your pipes bigger on the floorplan. |
Zoom out pipes | Shift + '-' | Makes your pipes smaller on the floorplan. |
Pipe labels operations
Name | Shortcut | Explanation |
Toggle pipe labels | Ctrl + K | By using this operation, you toggle between the 3 modes of the pipe labels: off, computed and optimised. Note that to see the corresponding pipe labels, you have to compute the design flows or optimised the components. |
Change transparency pipe labels | Ctrl + J | You can change the transparency of the pipe labels with this operation. |
Floor plan operations
Name | Shortcut | Explanation |
Toggle floor plan | Ctrl + B | You can make your floor plan invisible or visible with this operation. |
Change greyscale floor plan | Ctrl + G | You can change your floor plan to greyscale or back to color with this operation. |
Troubleshooting operations
Following operations can help check and validate your models.
Name | Shortcut | Explanation |
Go to next error | E | You can go through the errors in your model when pressing this repeatedly. |
Toggle path of most resistance | Ctrl + E | You can see the path with the most resistance of a pump when using this operation when having BC with a pump selected. Always check this path to see if the shown path of most resistance is a logical one (to the furtest end unit or the one with the most pressure losses). If not so, check the filled in DN and KV-values. |
Toggle P&ID identifiers | Ctrl + I | Each pipe & BC you draw in your model has an unique label called the P&ID identifier. This is especially useful when you get an error like: ‘Some nodes were not visited, please verify that following BCs are connected to a production unit: …’ |
TES operation
Name | Shortcut | Explanation |
Toggle geothermal operations modes | Ctrl + O | You can switch between the general, cold withdraw and cold deposit view of your geothermal BC. This does not switch the operation mode of the BC, only the view. Look at the pages Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (ATES) and Borehole Thermal Energy Storage (BTES) for more information. |
File & compute operations
Name | Shortcut | Explanation |
Save model | Ctrl + S | Saves your model. Be aware that this will overwrite your simulation. |
Simulate model | Alt + S | Simulates your model. |
Library operations
The Hysopt optimiser contains 5 different libraries. The heating, cooling, zone, controller and text library. These libraries include all the different BCs, connections and texts you can use in your models. Following shortcuts can be used to switch easily between these libraries.