Parameter validation

Parameter validation

Parameter inconsistencies and errors might be indicated on nodes as well as on basic circuits. When a model inconsistency is indicated on a node, the respective node is marked with an orange circle.

When the model error is indicated on a basic circuit the respective base circuit is marked red. By hovering with the mouse cursor over the respective node or basic circuit, an explanation of the inconsistency or error/warning appears.

The figures below illustrate some typical examples of model errors.

The node indicates a 'supply temperature mismatch'. Physically it's not feasible to supply the first branch with a supply temperature of 75°C and the second branch with a supply temperature of 40°C. Therefore you need to indicate on the right passive mixing that the primary supply temperature is 75°C.


Several base circuits and nodes indicate a 'power propagation mismatch'. This means that there is an unrealistic value filled in inside the parameter box of the base circuit. This error can occur in all the hybrid productions.

When using a parallel production, you can't fill in a power that is greater than the total power needed for the installation. If you do, you'll get the error as shown above.