Canvas management & Floor plan implementation

Canvas management & Floor plan implementation

Every Hysopt project starts with a single blank page to draw everything in, however, very often you will find the need for multiple canvasses. This is done through the canvas manager.

Hysopt also has an important function that can be used to easily and quickly implement the building network into the software, through the use of floor plans.

Once a floor plan has been implemented and scaled, any pipe drawn over this floor plan is scaled as well, and hence, pipe lengths do not have to be entered.

You can implement floor plans using the canvas manager.

The canvas manager


This manager controls all the canvasses in the project, always standard holds a single canvas named “Canvas 1”.

Creating a new one can be done by pressing the create button.

You will see the following screen where a name can be entered as well as the choice between P&ID and Floor plan.

  1. P&ID: This is the standard canvas, which is a blank slate without any scaling, often used to draw in the energy centers or conceptual models

  2. Floor plan: Allows a floor plan to be added to the canvas (after the floor plan has been implemented, see the next step).

Useful hint: the Canvasses will be sorted based on the name, so make sure the names are alphabetical will help in organizing your model.

Floor plan manager

If you choose a floor plan you get a selection menu to choose from the different floor plans you have implemented.

To implement a floor plan you have to go back to the canvas manager and click on “floor plan manager”.

By now clicking create, you can browse to a floor plan to implement.

You can scale the floor plan by following the next steps.

  1. Click browse and select the pdf to scale

  2. Click the triangle on the right-hand side to draw a line

  3. Draw a line (of which you know the length) by clicking twice, once on starting position and once on the ending position.

  4. implementing the distance of the line to scale (in m).

By now clicking create you have made a floorplan (the name of which will be correlated to the pdf name).

If you now go back to the canvas manager and create a new canvas the floor plan will appear in the dropdown list. You can select the right floor plan, implement a name and click create to finish the creation of your floor plan.

It is recommended to check if the scaling is correct by zooming in on the model and drawing a small pipe (For example a door opening, or another line where the distance is known.).


For district heating networks, a city plan can also be implemented as a background. In the example below, the energy center is in the red circle with the Hysopt logo, and the network consists of six building blocks. See District Heating and Real-Time Simulation (RTS) versus Imposed Load Simulation (ILS) for more information on district heating and building blocks.

Creating a link between canvasses

First of all, links can only be placed between two canvasses, not inside a single canvas.

When creating a link between two canvasses, you need to create the required canvasses inside the canvas manager (see example below).

When you're done modeling your system in Hysopt, you click on the "canvas link" to make your link.

The cursor name will say "Link source" when clicking on the end-node of the pipe inside canvas 1 the cursor name will change to 'Link to Canvas1'.

Then you go to the other canvas, with which you want to link canvas 1.

You then again click on the end-node pipe, and a pop-up will appear where you need to enter a unique link name.

Below you can see the result.

Reminder: link names can't be changed after you created one. You can only change it by deleting it and making a new link.


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