Creating your first project

Creating your first project

After completing the previous step of the first login, you will get the following screen:


Open model explorer

Press the left button in the horizontal bar at the top of your screen to open the model explorer. The button you have to press is this:

If you do this successfully, a pop-up screen is opened that looks like this:


It's possible that the opened pop-up screen does not have the same (number of) maps as shown above.

Create projects and maps

Now we will start to create a model in the Projects folder. Press the blue ‘new’ button in the left top corner.


This then creates a drop-down menu where you have to click on ‘Project’.

This will create a new pop-up screen which you have to fill in as accurately as possible. Take into consideration that everything with the ‘*' sign has to be filled in and one of the fields in 'Other’.

The has-to-be filled-in parameters are:

  • In general: ‘Name’

  • In address: ‘Street’, ‘Number’, ‘Postal code’, ‘City’ and ‘Country’

  • In other: ‘General contractor’, ‘Building owner’, Engineering office' or ‘Installation company’

After filling in every has-to-be filled-in parameter and clicking the button ‘create’ in the left bottom corner, you usually get the following screen. Then click on the project folder to open it.


Now your model explorer has the following text.


To create a model, click on ‘new’ like you did to create the project map and click on ‘model’.

Now give your model the name ‘0_reference’ and then click on 'create' and the model opens automatically. Congratulations, you now created your first model. You can now learn something about the Hysopt anatomy on the page Hysopt BIM Syncer anatomy or you can start drawing your first model by following the page P&ID Modeling.

Tip for names of your model: Give your model a name like: ‘yymmdd_modelname’. For example, today is it 8 December 2022, then name the model: ‘221208_projectA_reference’. You can now copy that model and give it a new name with the date of the day that you work on that model so you don’t have to start from scratch when something goes wrong.

Example naming models

After working on project A for a few days, I get the following screen when I open the project folder.

You can deduce that somebody worked on Project A on 08/12, 09/12, 18/12, 21/12 & 23/12. It is also safe to assume that the model closest to finalization is the last one. I open this model and click on the ‘Copy model'-button which looks like following picture.

A pop-up opens where you can change the name. I give the new model the name ‘221226_reference’ (today is the 26th of December 2022). Normally you don’t have to change the location.

Now I click on the ‘Save’-button. The model opens automatically and you can proceed with drawing it.

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