Total losses through windows are larger than design heat load

Total losses through windows are larger than design heat load

The error message

The error message occurs when a simulation succeeds but the measured heat loss through the windows is larger than the designed heat load.

  • Heat loss through the windows is defined through the zone by filling in all the window parameters. The zone will calculate heat losses based on external temperatures, the temperature of the zone, heat gain etc. → finally calculates a heat loss

  • The design heat load is filled in through “Design load” on the zone, which designed the amount of heat being added to the zone.

If the losses are larger than the heat added to the zone, the temperature in the zone will go lower and lower. Mot likely this isn’t the actual situation, but can be the case, hence the note possible design error.

It could be that the losses are to high, or the building load is to low. It is best to check both parameters to see where the error is.