Floor plan implementation

Floor plan implementation

To implement the building network easily and quickly in the Hysopt software, floor plans can be implemented as a background. Once the floor plan in the software has been scaled, the pipes are automatically scaled as well, so that the pipe lengths don’t have to be entered.

First the user has to go to the canvas management and create a floor plan.

After naming the canvas, the new canvas is added to the canvas manager with the appendix icon highlighted orange. The user has to click on the highlighted icon and upload a pdf file as a background.

After uploading a file, the user has to select the file to save it as the background of said canvas.

From the moment the file is saved, the canvas manager shows another highlighted icon. The user has to click on this icon to scale the background.

To scale the background, the user first needs to delete the red line across the background by clicking on it and then clicking on the garbage bin icon. Afterwards the user needs to draw a line (as long as possible for an accurate scaling) on the background, by clicking two times on the screen where the line begins and ends. The user has to select the line and enter the length of it, automatically scaling the background with the line as a reference.

It is recommended to check if the scaling is correct by zooming in the model and drawing a small pipe (e.g. door opening).

For district heating networks, a city plan can also be implemented as a background. In the example below, the energy center is in the red circle with the Hysopt logo, and the network consists of six building blocks. See District Heating and Real Time Simulation (RTS) versus Imposed Load Simulation (ILS) for more information on district heating and building blocks.