Control generator
This BC generates a external temperature during a dynamic simulation
The heating curve gives a supply temperature according to the external temperature.
All points on the heating curve are fully customizable.
When using a standard heating curve there is no feedback from the rooms, so the room temperature maintains 20°C. The heating curve with displacement uses a temperature measurement in a reference room to adjust the heating curve so the supply temperature rises.
All points on the heating curve and the displacement-to-error ratio are fully customizable.
This BC generates a ramp depending on the data that is entered.
This BC generates a square wave depending on the data that is entered.
This BC generates a sinus wave depending on the data that is entered.
This BC generates the simulation time during a dynamic simulation. For example if you simulate for 2 days, a linear graph will be generated from 0h to 48h.
This BC generates values depending on the time it occurs. The user should insert the desired values and times in the data file. By clicking on the pencil icon next to the parameter "data file" a pop-up window appears where the user can extract the .csv file template by clicking on the white cloud button with the arrow pointing down.
The user can then enter the desired data in the .csv file. The amount of "value" columns can't be more than 4 because the amount of control nodes on the BC is 4. The time entered in the data file can be set on seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, or months but the user should change the parameter "Time column unit" in the same way the data file was filled in.
If the inserted data is on a yearly basis (for instance weather file or load profile), the parameter "Timing is relative to simulation start time" should be set on "No" instead of "Yes".
In default, the inserted data doesn't depend on the simulation start time which means if you start simulating in January or June, you will have the exact same data generated. But if you change the parameter to "No", the first value in the data file will always be on the first second of January 1st.
A generator sends a value (can vary through time, temperature,...) which can be used as an input on operators or controllers to combine together and create an extensive control strategy
How to recognize generators
All generators have a single node (or multiple for data files) which is used as an output to connect to different inputs further in the system. These generators, combined with the sensors and outputs from controllers and operators, can be used to create all the needed inputs for the necessary computations to create a control strategy/description.
The generators you can find are:
- Constant
- External temperature / relative humidity
- Heating curve (with displacement)
- Ramp
- Setpoint generator
- Sine wave
- Time
- Tap profile generators
- Data files