Some diversity standards like DIN 1988-300 define a diversity factor at DHW side, based on the number & type of tapping points, and the total DHW flow. An example is the Based on DIN 1988-300
Option 1 : the user defines the tapping points
diversified flow
If the tapping points are defined, we can calculte the theoretical total DHW flow as a sum of all individual tapping points. We then use the diversity formula to calculate the diversified flow. An example can be found at e Based on DIN 1988-300
The diversified flow is the max sum of flows, taking into account that not all tapping points are used at the same time.
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When calculating the diversity |
flow, we sum up the individual flows without recalculating them (as explained in Step 1 : recalculation of the tapflows). In other words : we calculate the diversity factor for a “standardised“ situation.
diversity factor in a “standard“ situation.
The diversity factor is defined by the division of the diviersified flow through the theorewtical total flow, and results in a number between 0% and 100%, indicating the maximum “probability“ or “statistic chance“ of having parallel tappings.
Option 2 : the user enters the diversified flow is directly