Systems are built in the drawing canvas according to the following workflow:
First, the appropriate basic circuits must be dragged & dropped into the drawing canvas.
Secondly, the basic circuits are connected using the right piping tools.
A basic circuit is selected by clicking (Left Mouse Button) on a BC in the library (DO NOT KEEP THE MOUSE BUTTON PUSHED IN, A SINGLE CLICK WILL DO!). Once selected the mouse cursor is replaced by the respective basic circuit which can now be dropped into the drawing canvas by once clicking the left mouse button again. Multiple basic circuits from the same type can be successively dropped into the drawing canvas. The actual cursor mode can be undone by clicking the right mouse button or the escape function.
Basic circuits can be replaced by other types of basic circuits by using the replace functionality (Ctrl+H, see operations button). Multiple basic circuits can be replaced at once. E.g. in the system illustrated below, the three active mixing circuits are replaced by three passive mixing circuits with a single replace operation.
Selecting multiple basic circuits
In order to easily select multiple base circuits at once:
using 'Alt+Click' within one canvas
using 'Shift+Alt+Click' to span multiple canvasses
using a drag selection
Using 'Alt+Click' within one canvas
When pressing the 'Alt' button while clicking on a basic circuit (or pipe), all basic circuits of the same type will be selected at once. The number of selected basic circuits is shown at the top of the parameter box.
Number of selected basic circuits
Using 'Shift+Alt+Click' to span multiple canvasses
The 'Shift+Alt+Click' selection is the same as the 'Alt+Click' selection however it spans multiple canvasses (see 'Canvas Management') whereas the 'Alt+Click' selection is restricted to the canvas which is currently shown. To make the designer aware of the fact that the 'Shift+Alt+Click' selection spans multiple canvasses, the heading of the parameter box is shown in pink.
Making a drag selection
A drag selection can be made by dragging the mouse cursor over the desired area in the drawing canvas while pressing the left mouse button. During the drag selection movement, a dashed line rectangle indicates the selected area. After the selection, the selected basic circuits are marked green and the respective basic circuits are listed in the parameter box.