Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • assignment statements

  • if and if-else statements

  • switch statements

  • operators :

    • increment operators (++ and --)

    • unary operators (- and !) 

    • binary operators : power (^), multiply (*), modulo (%), divide (/), sum (+), min (-)

    • ternary operator (a = x ? b : x)  see

    • conditional operators (|| and &&)

    • comparison (<=', >=, >, <, ==, '!=)

    • mathematical functions :  exp, ln, sin, cos, sqrt, min(number_1, number_2x1, x2), max(number_1, number_2x1, x2)

    • comments : single line (//) and multiline (/*...*/)
