Details give you the following information about the element:
nr Nr number: how many elements of the same kind are present
ID identifier: the unique identifier of the element
Hysopt ID: an Hysopt ID is unique identifier for a Hysopt element
C#: canvas number
B#: basecircuit number
Z#: zone number
Revit element ID: Is a decimal number (int) that identifies an element in a Revit project. It is unique in that same project, but not among several models. Its length may vary depending on the number of elements in a model, but rarely exceeds 8 digits. (more information on selecting Revit elements by ID https://help.autodesk.com/view/RVTLT/2024/ENU/?guid=GUID-2B1CC22C-CB1F-45DA-B57B-62C36013D9E0 )
Type: type of the element
Location: where is the element located
Supply: element is located in the hydronic supply
Return: element is located in the hydronic return
Both: element is connected to the hydronic supply and return
External: element is not connected to the hydronic system. It is not a part of the hydronic system.
Unknown: location of the element is unknown
Family: name of theRevit family
Show suggestions
Show suggestions is a tool that helps you to map the components, pipes and zones of your models. It works by analysing the data and finding the best matches for each element. The mapping assistant assigns a probability to each suggestion, which indicates how likely it is that the suggestion is correct. The higher the probability, the more confident the mapping assistant is about the suggestionHysopt BIM syncer uses the system topology and the classification for finding the best matches. If the mapping assistant cannot find any suggestions for an element, you will have to map it manually. This will also help the mapping assistant to learn from your input and improve its suggestions for other elements.
With the navigate buttons, you can navigate through the suggestions.
The mapping assistant assigns a probability to each suggestion, which indicates how likely it is that the suggestion is correct. The higher the probability, the more confident the mapping assistant is about the suggestion. You can find the probability in the information bar.
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