A basic circuit is selected by clicking (Left Mouse Button) on a BC in the library (DO NOT KEEP THE MOUSE BUTTON PUSHED IN, A SINGLE CLICK WILL DO!). Once selected the mouse cursor is replaced by the respective basic circuit which can now be dropped into the drawing canvas by once clicking the left mouse button again. Multiple basic circuits from the same type can be successively dropped into the drawing canvas. The actual cursor mode can be undone by clicking the right mouse button or the escape function.
Graphical operations
The following graphical operations are provided for basic circuits and piping by means of hot keys.
Once the basic circuits are dragged & dropped into the drawing canvas they need to be connected with each other using the right piping tools. Hysopt supports 2-pipe systems, reverse return ('Tichelmann') and collector piping. The appropriate pipe type can be selected by clicking on the respective icon or by using the hot key 'D' with which you can toggle between the different pipe types. The mouse cursor indicates the pipe type as follows:
When drawing pipes, both the supply pipe and the return pipe are drawn simultaneously. The starting position for the pipe network can be freely chosen in the drawing canvas. However, when clicking on a node of a basic circuit the right pipe type is automatically activated and indicated on the mouse cursor. The pipes are drawn according to a poly-line approach. The right mouse button (or Esc function) is used to stop the poly-line. To deactivate the piping tool, the right mouse button (or Esc function) must be clicked once more.
Pipe branches can be easily modeled by taking the starting position of the new poly-line on top of an existing pipe segment. When hoovering the mouse cursor across the existing pipe segment, the pipe segment is marked green to indicate that a branch pipe can now be drawn. In the opposite way, a poly-line can also end on top of an existing pipe segment in order to connect the two pipes.
Node-based modelling
Note that the Hysopt design environment is node-based which means that all nodes (black dots at start and end point of a pipe segment) as well as all basic circuits can be pivoted freely without breaking the model. Doing so, nodes and basic circuits can be selected individually our as a group. This feature is particularly interesting to rearrange the drawing, e.g. to provide more space in between certain system parts.
When removing nodes from a poly-line (select the node and delete it), the adjacent nodes of the removed node are connected directly with each other with one straight pipe segment. Sometimes, it might be useful as well to add a node to a poly-line in order to pivot the poly-line using this new node. The latter can be done by starting a branch pipe on the poly-line (left mouse button), but not finishing the branch with an end node (press Esc function or right mouse button).
Basic circuits can be replaced by other types of basic circuits by using the replace functionality (Ctrl+H , see operations button) . Multiple basic circuits can be replaced at once. E.g. in the system illustrated below, the three active mixing circuits are replaced by three passive mixing circuits with a single replace operation.