The electricty meterbox and fuel meterbox can be found in the Control library
Assigning production and consumption
From Base Circuits
You can assign any base circuit that produces or consumes electricity to an electricity meter. Idem for fuel.
Assinging and unassigning can be done using the buttons in the menu bar:
Additional consumption and production
You can assign any base circuit that produces or consumes fuel to a fuel meter.
Assigning of Base Circuits over multiple canvasses is also supported.
To assing (or unassign) a Base Circuit to a meter, follow next steps :
Click the assign (or unassign) button in the menu bar
2. Click on a Base Circuit, then click on the meter. Repeat for all Base Circuits that you want to assign.
Here you can see a short movie demonstrating the “assign“ and “unassign“ functionality.
From additional consumption and production data
If you like, you can add additional consumption or production data by using the additional control input parameters.
Graphs and export
Detailed info about the related Base Circuits is added into the graphs and the excel exports.