The selected basic circuit is marked green in the drawing canvas.
- Parameter box of the selected basic circuit
- Different component within the basic circuit
Locking parameters
The Hysopt software calculates the optimal system parameters. However, as a designer you are always able to change parameters as you like. By clicking on the lock icon a parameter can be forced to a user defined value (the lock icon is marked in red). This way the software sees this parameter as a hard input value instead of an (optimized) calculation result. This feature is particularly useful in renovation projects where the existing parts of the system must be modeled 'as is' by locking the parameter values.
- Number of selected basic circuits
Using 'Shift+Alt+Click' to span multiple canvasses
The 'Shift+Alt+Click' selection is basically the same as the 'Alt+Click' selection however it spans multiple canvasses (see 'Canvas Management') whereas the 'Alt+Click' selection is restricted to the canvas which is currently shown. To make the designer aware of the fact that the 'Shift+Alt+Click' selection spans multiple canvasses, the heading of the parameter box is shown in pink.
Making a drag selection
A drag selection can be made by dragging the mouse cursor over the desired area in the
the drawing canvas while pressing the left mouse button. During the drag selection movement a dashed line rectangle indicates the selected area. After the selection, the selected basic circuits are marked green and the respective basic circuits are listed in the parameter box. The respective parameter value appear when clicking on the name of the basic circuit.