The selected basic circuit is marked green in the drawing canvas.
- Parameter box of the selected basic circuit
- Different component within the basic circuit
In the example shown below, all radiators are selected at once by using the 'Alt-Click' selection.
. The total number of selected radiators (5) is shown at the top of the parameter box. The temperature regime 70/50/20°C and the Kv value are marked in black as the same values apply for all five radiators. The design heat flow is marked red as the selected radiators have different values for this parameter.
- Number of selected basic circuits
Note that when several basic circuits are selected, the lock icons can be marked grey, red or orange:
- A grey marked lock icon means that the parameter value is unlocked
- A red marked lock icon indicates that the parameter value is locked for all basic circuits within the selection
- An orange marked lock icon means that the parameter value is locked for some of the basic circuits within the selection
Making a partial selection